
Be Yourself #7

Whether it's your sense of style, or even your manner of speaking, if your preferred way of doing something strays from the mainstream and produces positive outcomes, then be proud of it. Be a character, not a type. 

Learn to communicate well - the better you can express yourself, the easier it is for the people who like you as you are to find you and the ones who don't to just steer clear.

For some it is easy to be themselves. What they believe in religiously, culturally and politically could be considered mainstream so there is no fight in the rowboat; Everyone is paddling in the same way at the same time.

and then there is the rest of us.

Some of what I appear to be fits in very nicely with the world around me. Some of it does not. I have chosen to live and work in places seasonally for now. I do not take my 2 weeks a year vacation and like it, nor do I believe I have to suffer through many things just to be polite. I don't cut my hair every 6 to 8 weeks. I don't strive to drive a new car.

I get along with people who want and do those things and when asked I communicate, without feeling threatened, that I chose these things. I confide in people, more often, who think closer to the way I perceive the worlds important pieces. I chose to not own a home yet or base everything on my salary and making money. I wear flip flops most of the year and don't wear make up most of the time. While I don't think I really challenge what fits into society, I am not the mainstream. I like it that way. If we didn't have individuals of all shapes, colors, sizes wearing all sorts of different styles, our country would look like a mono crop field, boring, ugly and ultimately unsustainable. I am an individual. You are and individual. 

Our country as a whole is based in the importance of the individual, so if you are in the US, embrace that and let us know who you really are. I hope other places in the world embrace al least this part of our culture. Ultimately, once introduced to a wider variety of people, you will find your tribe. Why would you want to fit into the mold if you are really something else. There are really no "dorks", people are just into different things. As we grow, hopefully we realize that and go out and surround ourselves with supportive, like minded people. So, learn to communicate well. Share what you think is important or cool or amazing. Leave the rest and cultivate what you are good at and what interests you. This will be important for the world too. We want your happiness and small sun seed to grow in the world. 

Be Yourself.

                    Be and individual.

                                          Move forward and cultivate!!


Be Yourself #6

Treat yourself as you'd treat your own best friend.

(Nadia,the three haired lady above, is from dearoptimist.com)

You value your friends and those close to you; well, who is closer to you than you are? Give yourself the same kind, thoughtful, and respectful treatment that you give to other people you care about. If you had to hang out with yourself for a day, what is the most fun/enjoyable/fulfilled/calm/contented type of person you could be, while still being yourself? What is the best version of you? Believe in this idea and use that as your starting point. Love and accept yourself as you are now, just as you do for your close ones.
I don't know how many times a day  hear people (including myself) tear themselves apart with self deprecating words and hurtful comments. If it's not about beauty, it's about weight, height, clothing, intellect, likability and feeling of not being enough or having enough. I don't know about you but I am sick and tired of hearing it!!!
Where is the compassion people? Turn it around. These things aren't true! Treat yourself as kind as you can. Wake up and say nice things to yourself. 
I started, not too long ago, really taking a look at what I told myself about myself. I found that when I really paid attention, my days were filed with I can't do that's and he is much smarter than me etc. It was very funny to realize because I am a motivator and someone who likes to tell people they can be anything they want to be!
I started filling my days with comments to myself like you're awesome and amazing and great at certain things. I try to have compassion for myself when it is hard to think those things or a self deprecating thought arises. It's alright. It's a pattern that is hard to break, even if you aren't the biggest offender.
I remember being in grade school and the girls in my group of friends had recently learned what the word conceited means. This meant that if you thought of yourself as talented, pretty, smart, athletic, good at anything, that you were conceited. So in the tradition of peer pressure none of us bolstered ourselves on a daily basis for the fear of being considered conceited! How silly. I wish now I had walked right up and said I am an awesome singer, I rock at kickball and I look great in knee sox! There, I said it.
Whatever you are good at, like about yourself, are talented at, go ahead and realize it, scream it out loud. The best thing that will happen is you will further some of those talents and raise your self esteem. The worst thing that will happen is those people who think of you as conceited, full of yourself etc. will become less important in your life unless they turn it around and start thinking of you and themselves as wonderful, important and talented individuals. 

Give yourself some love.

                         Be compassionate.

                                        Move forward and cultivate!!