

There is an amazing feeling when you feel empowered. Everything seems to fit into place. you feel charged, in control, EXCITED. How do we get to that state and keep that state? Practice and fearlessness, practicing fearlessness. Small Sun Seeds, these good intentions we set for ourselves, help to get us on the path towards empowerment. Start from wherever you are.

There is a place within us that we can quiet from the regular thoughts of the world and just be. It is important to cultivate that space within us for that is where sun seeds we plant will grow. Start with creating positive words to yourself,

  • I love what I see in myself
  • I am in charge of my life
  • I am my own person
  • I expand my capabilities
  • I give myself all that I need
  • I am powerful
  • I am worthy of love and respect

There are a gazillion more we can write down. Use these and write your own. These mantras help us to feel powerful! By just saying them I feel better. If we can think it, imagine it if we don't have it right now, say it in the present tense and believe it, it will be so but you have to believe.

We need to believe we are worthy of the wonderful. If we do this we spread love and light. We will believe that everyone is worthy of the wonderful. Take care of your body, mind and spirit. Take time for meditation and focus on the good. Empower yourself. Empower yourself. Empower yourself. Do it by starting with believing your good thoughts and tell the negative to take a hike.

It is time for all of us to develop our own philosophy of life and to create our own personal laws- statements we can live by, beliefs that nourish and support us.
                                                                                          - Louise L. Hay

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