
Those Sneaky Bad Beliefs

Ahhh..... rolling along in a good mood with lovely happy thoughts and then BLAMO! There they are, these negative thoughts that just pop into my head about my past.  It wasn't that I even did anything horrible. It wasn't that the actual event that took place was even that bad but reliving the memory of it seems to be worse than the actual event.
If this happens let yourself think the thought. Ask yourself if you believe it, really believe it. Ask yourself if it matters anymore. Ask yourself if what you remember is really what happened. Are you assuming other people's thoughts about you? Did these thoughts and opinions about you exist only in the past if at all?
Go through the emotions you are presently feeling with compassion for what you are feeling and no self judgment and then let it go. Breathe and be present. Come back to your happy thoughts.

To get rid of an internal attitude you must clearly see the mistaken belief it is based upon.
                                                                                                     -His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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